Khorfakkan Library reveals methods of developing reading habits

In a series of sessions organised by Sharjah Public Libraries, the Khorfakkan Public Library hosted the writer and activist on social media, Abdul Rahman Al Naqbi in a virtual session on the Zoom platform, during which he shed light on his daily reading habits in a fast and changing world, and the extent to which they affect his ideas and bring him closer to knowledge for itself.
Al Naqbi emphasised that reading reshapes individuals and affects various aspects of their lives, as it enriches the experiences of its lovers, and adds to their cultural and knowledge balance, stressing that the effect of reading is only perceived by the passionate reader, provided that the types of books he reads are diversified.
Al Naqbi explained that the first book he tried to read was a book on self-development by Anthony Robbins, pointing out that self-development books are considered among the books that need focus, which prompted him to stop reading the book and starting to read the biography of Omar bin Al Khattab, before returning to read Rubens' book carefully.
Al Naqbi confirmed that he resorted to converting all wasted times into positive times, as he began to listen to audio books while on his way to and from work, or as part of his travels between the emirates of the state, in addition to the times he spends reading paper books on the plane.
On his activity on social media, he explained that he discovered his message in life early, as he resorted to activating his account on those sites, especially the Twitter platform, to encourage various members of society to read.
Al Naqbi valued the support and encouragement provided by the wise leadership to raise the cultural scene and the position the country has reached, as it has become a destination for intellectuals and writers, and a platform for launching specific initiatives.